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IDCode (PAP)Procurement Program / ProjectObject CodePMO / End-UserMode of ProcurementSchedule for Each Procurement ActivitySource of FundsEstimated Budget (PhP)Remarks (brief description of Program / Activity / Project)APP/iApp Supplement
Advertisement / Posting of IB/REISubmission / Opening of BidsNotice of AwardContract SigningTotalUnused BudgetMOOECO
551065020301000Procurement of Office Supplies5020301000PTC - SAN ANTONIOShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)100,000.00100,000.00100,000.000.00Procurement ServiceNo
551075020321003Procurement of Other Office Equipment Not Available in PS5020321003PTC - SAN ANTONIOShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)140,000.00140,000.00140,000.000.00Administrative SuppliesNo
551085020321003Information and Communication Technology (ICT) equipment and devices accessories5020321003PTC - SAN ANTONIOShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)247,200.00247,200.00247,200.000.00For training and admin useNo
551095020301001ICT office supplies5020301001PTC - SAN ANTONIOShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)68,000.0068,000.0068,000.000.00For training and admin useNo
551105020322001Furnitures and Fixtures5020322001PTC - SAN ANTONIOShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)47,000.0047,000.0047,000.000.00For training and admin useNo
551115020309000Fuel, Oil and other Lubricants5020309000PTC - SAN ANTONIODirect Retail Purchase of POL and Airline Tickets (Sec. 53.14)Regular Agency Fund (01000000)253,395.00253,395.00253,395.000.00For training and admin useNo
551125020402000Electricity5020402000PTC - SAN ANTONIODirect Contracting (Sec. 50)Regular Agency Fund (01000000)120,000.00120,000.00120,000.000.00For training and admin useNo
551135020503000Internet Subscription Expenses5020503000PTC - SAN ANTONIODirect Contracting (Sec. 50)Regular Agency Fund (01000000)40,000.0040,000.0040,000.000.00For training and admin useNo
551145020301000Procurement of PPE, Sanitizers, Disinfectants5020301000PTC - SAN ANTONIOShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)50,000.0050,000.0050,000.000.00COVID ResponseNo
551155020399000Lighting and Fixtures and Accessories5020399000PTC - SAN ANTONIOShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)7,700.007,700.007,700.000.00procurement is as needed and depends upon the availability of stocksNo
551165020399000Training and Assessment Supplies and Materials/ Tools and Equipment for Driving NCII5020399000PTC - SAN ANTONIOShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)100,000.00100,000.00100,000.000.00Supplies and Materials for the conduct of training programsNo
551175020399000Training and Assessment Supplies and Materials/ Toolsand Equipment for SMAW NCI & NCII5020399000PTC - SAN ANTONIOShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)150,000.00150,000.00150,000.000.00Supplies and Materials for the conduct of training programsNo
551185020399000Training and Assessment Supplies and Materials/ Toolsand Equipment for Masonry NCII5020399000PTC - SAN ANTONIOShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)150,000.00150,000.00150,000.000.00Supplies and Materials for the conduct of training programsNo
551195020399000Other Categories5020399000PTC - SAN ANTONIOShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)75,000.0075,000.0075,000.000.00Installation of Exhaust fan and air-ducting in the welding workshopNo