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IDCode (PAP)Procurement Program / ProjectObject CodePMO / End-UserMode of ProcurementSchedule for Each Procurement ActivitySource of FundsEstimated Budget (PhP)Remarks (brief description of Program / Activity / Project)APP/iApp Supplement
Advertisement / Posting of IB/REISubmission / Opening of BidsNotice of AwardContract SigningTotalUnused BudgetMOOECO
824075020301000Office Supplies/Computer Supplies5020301000Administrative SectionShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)70,000.0070,000.0070,000.000.00Various office and computer supplies use in the office. The activity will be conducted once in every quarterNo
824085020302000Accountable Forms5020302000Finance SectionShopping - Others25-Jun-202225-Jul-202225-Aug-2022Regular Agency Fund (01000000)250,000.00250,000.000.00250,000.00Official receipts and ledger card use in the officeNo
824095060405003Office / IT Equipment5060405003Administrative SectionShopping - Others25-Mar-202225-Apr-202225-Apr-2022Regular Agency Fund (01000000)60,000.0060,000.0060,000.000.00Other supplies does not belong to the above mentioned groupNo
824105020313000Hypochlorite powder5020313000Operation SectionShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)170,000.00170,000.00170,000.000.00Used for water disinfectant. The activity will be conducted once in every quarterNo
824115020313000Chlorine Reagent5020313000Operation SectionShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)20,000.0020,000.0020,000.000.00Used in measuring the chlorine residual in the water. The activity will be conducted once in every quarter.No
824125060403004Water Meter5060403004Operation SectionShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)100,000.00100,000.000.00100,000.00Used for new service connections. The activity will be done twice a yearNo
824135060403004Various Size of Tubing5060403004Operation SectionShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)50,000.0050,000.000.0050,000.00Used for service expansion. The activity will be done twice a year.No
824145060403004Various Service Connection Materias5060403004Operation SectionShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)30,000.0030,000.000.0030,000.00Used for new service connections. The activity will be done twice a yearNo
824155060403004Various Fittings5060403004Operation SectionShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)150,000.00150,000.0050,000.00100,000.00Used for repair and maintenance of transmission and distrubtions lines. The activity will be done twice a yearNo
824165060403004Various size of PVC Pipes5060403004Operation SectionShopping - Others25-Mar-202225-Mar-202225-Apr-2022Regular Agency Fund (01000000)100,000.00100,000.000.00100,000.00Used for expansion of serice areaNo
824175020309000Diesel for Water Pump5020309000Operation SectionShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)20,000.0020,000.0020,000.000.00Used for water pumping. The activity will be done once in every quarterNo
824185020309000Gasoline5020309000Operation SectionShopping - OthersRegular Agency Fund (01000000)30,000.0030,000.0030,000.000.00Used for water pumping. The activity will be done once in every quarterNo